Thursday, February 14, 2008

Old Songs

I generally have fancy for new songs. I am all ears (pun intended) to new music and always in look out for new songs. Songs which enthrall me. Songs which catch my attention. Songs which move me. Songs which convey much more than what's written. Songs which I like to stay with. Probably forever..... only if could stop new songs from releasing.

But the beauty of music is that it is eternal. No matter how speedily I cling to new songs, I never seem to forget old ones. They are not on top of my mind, but its there stacked in some gray cell of mine. And with that song, is stacked a memory. Memory of the times when I stayed with that song. The phase of my life which got stamped with that song. Probably that's why they build an iPod with enough space to carry your music and an interesting play mode called shuffle. So now when the random play mode picks up a song ,which got buried in my mental music treasure, lost faint memories are flashed back. Memories are dusted off and a vivid picture of old times is painted across. Is it what they call Nostalgia? I think so.....

Sometimes you stay with songs. Most of the times, songs stay with you.



annoyingdumb said...

Hey nicely said.

Thing about songs is that we tend to relate it with our lives and moods. Music is able to depict in vast details what we are going through which we ourselves are not able to articulate otherwise. So it happens that you strike a song that tells your story or mood on one of those days and it sticks with you forever. And then as you listen it again it brings back those moments and you start living them all over. Pictures only tell the visual appearance of those moments but music brings back the euphoria...the moments themselves.

Pinank said...

I agree to what Neo feels. To me every song comes with a memory. moments of joy with some melodies... tears with some...smiles and laughter with others....

And neo in a way echoes my feelings..

Music is something that i cant live without...

Hiren said...

bang on buddy!!! Nice comeback after a long sabbatical ...

Prashant Karkera said...

I generally don’t listen to old songs but agreed that beauty of the songs lie in the old songs.

And when I am not in a mood I try listening to old songs to revive myself.

Anonymous said...

What a comeback.... :) especially the last line.

Nice to have to back...I thought you were only living on comments :)

Neo said...

@A & Addict - Seems we think and live music alike.

@Hiren - thanks.

@PK - mood changers...yup.

@jolly - thanks. thrilled by your comment.