Wednesday, August 15, 2007

India: Young @ 60

A time has come to celebrate our Independence. But unlike every other 15th of August, this marks a milestone. It’s a date when India turns 60. 60 years of remarkable journey, to say the least. After all, how do you describe a journey from a country being called as a land of snake charmers to a nation which houses the world's largest democracy.

The general debate might hang on the point that our nation is now a sixty year old grumpy uncle and its time to sum up the life lived. But I beg to differ. While most of us are tagged as Senior Citizens at 60, it doesn’t even remotely apply to countries. Just the thought that my dad is older than the country he leaves in; intrigues as well as amuses me to no extent. I think the age of a country is best measured in decades or better in centuries. In those terms, a 6 decades old country is a child who has learned to express himself in a chaotic world, which has had enough of baby steps and is now ready to take giant strides. India is a young and "a raring to go" nation like never before in its ancient history.

Success has different interpretations, and my friends will agree. The fact is undisputed that India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Also, no one can deny that the potential remains far from being realized.

But for today let us bask in the glory of our great Nation that we admire and adore immeasurably.

It’s been 60 years of life and freedom since we redeemed our pledge. And now we stand on a place in time where we are poised, all over again, for a tryst with destiny.



Anonymous said...

hmm...nice article.. Neo

Anonymous said...

Happy Independence Day to you Neo :)

Hiren said...

India is a young and "a raring to go" nation like never before in its ancient history .... AMEN to that !!! Nice article bro ...

Neo said...

@Anon - thanks and wishes to you too. But would appreciate if u'll reveal ur identity :)

@hiren - I too wish the same

Jolvin Rodrigues said...

It isn't raring to has already set out rest of the world.

Well written...

Neo said...

@Jolvin - couldn't agree more. amd thnks