Sunday, July 08, 2007



3,999! A figure which makes me proud. 3,999 is a landmark of sorts; especially when you have visitors taking off from round the world and at times landing with a weird query. For many the landing is perfect, while others face a crash landing!!!! I think its time we think of alternatives. This explains why I don’t see any correlation between visitors and comments. The crashed ones don’t wait and rest and the few who spend time are the ones who connect. This will probably clam a jolly friend of mine who feels a bit challenged.

Nevertheless, It’s celebration time at My Space (no I am not going to link my blog!!!!) which is not going to end soon. The turn of the century is just a post away.



Anonymous said...

interesting background :) Waiting for the turn of century...

Anonymous said...

Congrats for crossing 3999...I know how that feeling is when you have more visitors than comments. Sail away past 100 now.

Sudershan Kamble said...

Congratulations! This is just a milestone, wishing many more such milestones for you!

Unknown said...

Congratulations bro!!! U deserve mush more so keep it going :) always looking forward to ur new interesting posts

Neo said...

@Gaiza - Patience Pays!!

@Jolvin - i expected more reaction from you :( you acted like a shopper who ended up buying a candy :P

@Suder - thanks

@Purvi - thanks SiL. wont let you down

Prashant Karkera said...

Hey Congrats :)
The new template is cool...Liked it.

Neo said...

@PK - thanks

Anonymous said...

Sometimes even comments don't meet expectations...that is the next level...anyways sorry to dissapoint hope I can do justice next time...